Technology Services for the Asphalt, Bitumen and Aggregate Industries
Pavement Engineering & Field Testing
TSAR™ Software (Thermal Stress Analysis Routine)
The TSAR™ software is a rapid user-friendly method to determine the SHRP binder grade. TSAR™ determines the critical temperature that corresponds to thermal cracking based upon Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) and Direct Tension Testing (DTT) for the proposed new AASHTO binder specification. TSAR also incorporates critical cracking temperature analysis of HMA data, using IDT creep data.
The BBR and DTT methods were developed as part of SHRP. Recently, the low temperature requirements have been refined to predict at which temperature a binder fails in single event thermal cracking. This temperature will replace the currently used specification limits (stiffness, m-value and failure strain).
For asphalt producers, agencies and test laboratories this software provides a vital tool to classify binder systems.
The data from the BBR and DTT tests are entered into a spreadsheet. The BBR data is then used to compute the thermal stress in the pavement using the specified cooling rate and other material parameters such as the coefficient of linear expansion. A plot of stress versus temperature is then developed. The DTT test data is compared to the induced stress and the critical cracking temperature determined. Alternatively, a pass/fail criteria is applied to certify if a binder meets a specific SHRP binder grade at the temperatures evaluated.
TSAR Plus™ is a necessary upgrade for R&D groups which contains enhanced features that makes master curves generation as easy as the click of a mouse pointer.
Four types of Master Curve Analysis (Discrete Spectrum, Christiansen-Anderson, Christiansen-Anderson-Sharrock, Christiansen-Anderson-Marasteanu) - the master curve information is available to the user.
Thermal stress is calculated using the Master Curve selected (if Discrete Spectrum is selected then no thermal stress calculation is currently possible).
Glass transition temperature, coefficient of linear expansion, cooling rate can be changed.
The report contains data for the master curve selected.
Any number of BBR isotherms can be used.
For information on obtaining this software please contact